Tree twinning project launched between UK and Nepal

London — A unique ‘Tree Twinning Project Partnership’ has been launched between Barnet Council, Dwight School London and Nepalese Partner Schools on 8 September 2020.
The project was officially inaugurated by Deputy Mayor of London Borough of Barnet, Councillor Lachhya Gurung, by planting a tree at a programme organised by Dwight School London.
The Dwight School London initiated the project while Barnet Council is providing 2,000 plants and space to plant them. Despite curfew restrictions and other Corvid – 19 pandemic difficulties, a tree was also planted on the same day in Kathmandu by Nepal’s National Trust for Nature Conservation, to mark the twinning partnership between the two countries.
These trees will be planted by students from Dwight School London in 2020/21.
When one tree is planted in the UK, another tree will be planted in Nepal. Nepal partner schools also plan to plant 2,000 trees in 2020/2021.
“I am very proud that Barnet Council is involved in this partnership with Dwight School London. Trees planted in London will provide vital support to combat climate change and mitigate air pollution while increasing greater environmental responsibility amongst our future decision-makers,” said Deputy Mayor Gurung, a former Gurkha soldier who was born in Nepal.
This unique and pioneering project aims to get students to ‘Act Local and Think Global’ in both countries to support reforestation in each other’s countries. Dwight students are raising funds to support their Nepalese counterparts to plant in Nepal.
“Both Dwight School London students and Nepal’s Friends of the Zoo member school students are setting an example of student commitment and cooperation towards a global environment strategy, to increase tree cover of their own cities by 10% by 2050, from current levels. By twinning trees between the two countries and mobilising school children, we are more likely to initiate the necessary positive impact to combat climate change and promote sustainable environments,” said Mrs Amita Sen who is the Head of Personalised Learning at the Dwight School London and also a Trustee for the UK Committee of Nepal Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC).
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