Nepal’s urban population reaches 66 percent

Kathmandu: Nepal’s urban population has reached 66.08 percent. As per the preliminary statistics of the National Census, 2078 BS, the size of the urban population has increased in comparison to the earlier Census, 2068 BS, shared Joint-Secretary at Ministry of Urban Development Ramchandra Dangal.
As noted, the urban population was 63.19 percent and the rural population was 36.81 percent in the year 2068 BS.
According to the World Cities Report, 2022 published by UN-Habitat this month, the urbanization process was found rapidly increasing in developed countries. Almost 79 percent of the population resides in urban areas in such countries.
If the same growth continues, the urban population is projected to reach 87 percent in advanced countries. The report has also projected a population growth rate of 0.46 percent in developed countries from 2020 to 2025.
The report was made public on the occasion of World Habitat Day which is marked on the first Monday of October at the call of the UN-Habitat.
In 2022, World Habitat Day (WHD 2022) under the theme “Mind the Gap. Leave No One and Place Behind” looks at the problem of growing inequality and challenges in cities and human settlements.
World Habitat Day 2022 seeks to draw attention to the growing inequalities and vulnerabilities that have been exacerbated by the triple ‘C’ crises — COVID-19, climate, and conflict.
The United Nations (UN) had started observing the day on the first Monday of October since 1986. Nepal has also started marking the day since 2001.
This year Nepal is observing the day-to-day by organizing several programs with the theme ‘Necessity of inclusive urban settlement: shared commitment of all”.
As the eighth day of the Dashain festival was fallen on the first Monday of October, the ministry has decided to mark the day on the third Monday, the ministry sources said. RSS
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