Federalisation has positive effects on Nepal’s health system but improvements still needed – Study

London — A team of researchers from the UK and Nepal met with MPs to present their findings on how federalisation has impacted Nepal’s healthcare system. The study, funded by the Health System Research Initiative, identified both positive and negative developments in the country’s decentralised health system. Positive aspects included improvements in the availability of resources for health, the construction of new health posts and hospitals, and better availability of essential medicines in many places. Areas that need improvement include communication between different levels of government, several health workforce-related issues, oversight and coordination of buying of medicines, and financial issues. The researchers worked in three provinces, interviewed 243 stakeholders at all three levels of government, and conducted 31 Participatory Policy Analysis workshops at local and province levels. The interdisciplinary study began in April 2020 and will last till January 2024.
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