Historic record in Marathon: Heavily pregnant Garima Rai completes Vitality 10k Run

Jagan Karki, London- No mum would like to risk their babies for the sake of their hobby or just to set a record. But heavily pregnant Garima Rai, who is seven-and-half-months pregnant, completed the London Vitality 10k race setting a historic record in 10k race and probably in the marathon.
Garima, an ex-British Gurkha family member, competed the 10K run around the popular landmarks in Centra London on Sunday.
32-year Garima completed her race at record one hour and 17 minutes without any major difficulties.
Garima has been taking part in the Park Run for the last two years. She had consulted her midwife and doctors prior joining the 10K run. After rigorous check and keeping in view of her sound health conditions, doctors allowed her to take part in the race.
“I decided to take part in the 10K run to ensure healthy delivery of my baby,” Garima told South Asia Time after completing the run. “I was determined to take care of my baby and was running without any pressure on my body and was mentally prepared to walk instead of running if there was any difficulty as per the doctors’ suggestions. But I managed to complete the run without taking any rest.”
Garima said that she wanted to inspire all pregnant mums to be active and have a regular exercise to avoid any difficulties while delivering babies and labour pain. “Regular exercise and active living helps to reduce the risk for both mum and baby,” she added.
Rai, who lives at Basingstoke with her husband Diken Rai , was born at Sundar Haraicha municipality, Morang, eastern Nepal.
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