South Asia increases recovery rate of Covid-19 patients

The eight states in the region, housing a fifth of world population, collectively accumulate 301,117 confirmed cases of the dangerous contagious disease.
The South Asian region today registers 7,215 deaths from complications caused by the new SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus.
The Disaster Management Center of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation shows on its India digital portal, 173,763 cases and 4,971 deaths, and Pakistan with 66,457 infected and 1,395 deaths, as the two countries of the block most hit by Covid-19.
Bangladesh has a balance of 42 thousand 844 cases and 582 deaths due to the pandemic, Afghanistan (13659-246), Sri Lanka (1558-10), Maldives (1591-5), Nepal (1212-6) and Bhutan (33- 0).
To date, in India, at least 82 thousand 369 patients have recovered from the new coronavirus, followed by 24 thousand 131 who did so in Pakistan, nine thousand in 15 Bangladesh, one thousand 259 in Afghanistan, 754 in Sri Lanka, 197 in the Maldives, 183 in Nepal and six in Bhutan.
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