Let’s make Nepal a safe place for women!

By Bhumika Dahal
After watching interview of Nepali women who were brutally raped my heart breaks for all those poor woman and young girls. Rape culture is not OKAY! We all need to use our social platform to spread more awareness and educate more people to prevent such appalling cases happening.
This case in particular needs to be heard for the sake of these 2 poor teenage girls. Woman and young girls in Nepal have no right what so ever? Why is it that in our country women can’t be heard? Why is it that men and rapsits get away with such crime whereas young girls and women are suffering from mental crisis and depression? This is genuinely not okay! I have so many questions to ask the senior leaders of Nepal. We should all help to make our country a better place for everyone especially women.
Did you know that Nepal is listed as one of the worst places to be born as a woman/girl? There are so many unsolved cases of rape and so much victim blaming in our Nepali society. Do you people really want that? I don’t think you do. So please share this on your story, your feed. Encourage your friends and family to share this. YOUR VOICE MAKES A DIFFERENCE!
A 14-year-old student, Bhumika lives at Reading, UK, along with her parents.
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