Flash Floods Devastate Northern Afghanistan, Leaving Hundreds Dead and Displaced – South Asia Time

Flash Floods Devastate Northern Afghanistan, Leaving Hundreds Dead and Displaced

 May 14, 2024  

Kabul — Tragedy struck the outskirts of Pul-e-Khumri, as flash floods, triggered by unusually heavy seasonal rains, wreaked havoc, claiming over 300 lives and rendering thousands homeless. Nazer Mohammad, a local shopkeeper, returned home only to find his entire world swept away by the relentless deluge. His wife and two sons, tragically, were among the casualties, with his two daughters still missing.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and other aid organizations rushed to provide relief, but the scale of destruction is immense. With more than 50 children confirmed dead and over 600,000 people affected in the Baghlan province alone, the situation is dire. Save the Children mobilized resources, deploying medical and child protection teams to assist the devastated communities.

Arshad Malik, country director for Save the Children, emphasized Afghanistan’s vulnerability to climate change, urging international assistance in the face of recurring disasters. This catastrophe underscores the urgent need for sustainable solutions to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events on vulnerable populations.